
Showing posts from October, 2017
  On Saturday I had the great opportunity to go for the first time to the Empire State Building the view was incredible I shoot as many pictures as I could, but the first two were my favorites. I just really loved how the buildings look and to see everything symmetrical was really interesting. For the third image I liked the composition a lot and how the image turned out to look pretty good. I like the sunset and the contrast of the bridge and the ship at the left this image and I think it works really well. 
  Last week in the visit to the library I chose this book to read it because it seem pretty interesting. I actually did not have the chance to see a photographer's work in a book so for me reading this book and looking to the photographs was very exciting. The name of this book Japan 1945 and the author is Joe O'Donnell. This book is about how Japan was after the Pacific War. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukuoka, and Sasebo where the main cities he photographed in Japan. After reading this book I was shook of how Japanese people were leaving after the war. One of the photographs below shows a young boy carrying his death little brother the power that this image portray it really fascinating. Looking at the other photograph for me there are no words to explain how I felt after seeing this image. It was really hard to image the pain and suffering this fourteen young boy was passing. Of all the photographs I saw in the book these t...
  In my Digital Materials & Processes class, I'm shooting an assignment related with Color of Light. For this assignment I have to shoot different images in different situations and change the white balance to auto, daylight, and light specific. For these three images I shoot my subject under a fluorescent lamp and changing my white balance for auto(First image), daylight(second image), and specific light that was fluorescent(third image). What I find in changing the white balance for these three photographs, is that sometimes even though we don't care about white balance and always set the camera in auto I think that for some situations the white balance in auto it's not going to work out,  so it's really helpful to learn how to set different kinds of white balance in a camera.  Looking at these three images I realized that what works better is white balanc...
This photograph by Maureen Drennan caught my attention in the art gallery of all the other photographs because I felt he was seeing through me. The tittle of this photograph is "Something I Need I to Tell You," so I thought, "he is trying to tell me something or I am the one that need to say something." I kept looking at this photograph so many times because for me was really fascinating the composition of this image.  In the art gallery there were great pieces of work from Maureen Drennan and her husband it was really interesting to see both of the work together. Actually, I remember something she said that was that even though you might leave with someone for so many years, but  sometimes you actually do not know that person that well as you thought you were. Seeing both of their work together, made realize that they were totally different, but they complement each other work so well that was really fa...
In my Digital Material and Processes class I had to shoot this assignment where I had to use a Gray Card for exposure control and metering. I find this assignment very interesting because while shooting it I could see the difference between using a gray card to meter a subject so I could know what exposure to use. Even thought I used the same ISO, F-stop, and Shutter Speed for these two images they came to look very different. In the first picture where I did not use the gray card the image was sharp, but I could not see a lot of details in her face, while in the second picture where I used the gray card her face looked totally different it had more light and I could see a lot of details in her face. I had a lot of fun shooting this assignment and I learned how to use white balance and metering my subjects and how a gray card can be of so much help while shooting in sunlight.