Reaction Paper No. 2 Gallery Visit
Last week I had the opportunity of visit the art Gallery where it has been exhibiting the professors' art work. It was really interesting because it was the first time I saw some of the work my professors do. I saw two art pieces of my professor from ART130 professor Soterakis her work is truly amazing the way she used collage and oil paint into her work was really fascinating. Also I got to see one photograph by Professor Lopez and it was really touching for me because he is one of the reasons I decided to take photography as my major I really loved seeing his work.
All the art pieces in the gallery were fantastic and some of the a little bit expensive. I had the chance to see how much it costs some of the pieces and I was somehow amazed by how much money some pieces cost, but looking at the quality of the art piece that was done and I imagine how much time this person worked to finished it I think the price was good. I do not know but somehow seeing the work that the professors do kind of made me realize how wonderful and creative they are.
I was intrigued by one of the professors art work. Professor Cyr's work was amazing I did not that kind of prints could exits. I was really fascinating by them and I asked myself how did he did those prints. From all the photographs I saw in the gallery I really liked those prints because to be honest I had not seen somenthing like that before so it was really interesting for me to get to know something new. I am really happy that I was able to go to the gallery and see each of the professors' art work because now I think I know more about them and it was good to learned about those pieces.

Last week I had the opportunity of visit the art Gallery where it has been exhibiting the professors' art work. It was really interesting because it was the first time I saw some of the work my professors do. I saw two art pieces of my professor from ART130 professor Soterakis her work is truly amazing the way she used collage and oil paint into her work was really fascinating. Also I got to see one photograph by Professor Lopez and it was really touching for me because he is one of the reasons I decided to take photography as my major I really loved seeing his work.
All the art pieces in the gallery were fantastic and some of the a little bit expensive. I had the chance to see how much it costs some of the pieces and I was somehow amazed by how much money some pieces cost, but looking at the quality of the art piece that was done and I imagine how much time this person worked to finished it I think the price was good. I do not know but somehow seeing the work that the professors do kind of made me realize how wonderful and creative they are.
I was intrigued by one of the professors art work. Professor Cyr's work was amazing I did not that kind of prints could exits. I was really fascinating by them and I asked myself how did he did those prints. From all the photographs I saw in the gallery I really liked those prints because to be honest I had not seen somenthing like that before so it was really interesting for me to get to know something new. I am really happy that I was able to go to the gallery and see each of the professors' art work because now I think I know more about them and it was good to learned about those pieces.
Nice reactions!