Reaction Paper Museum Visit. 
     Last month I had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Modern Art for the first time in New York City. I really wanted to go there mostly because of the paint by Vincent Van Gogh The Starry Night. It was interesting to see a lot of art work from different incredible artists around the world. The visit to MOMA was a good experience for me because it was the first time to see other people work in a museum and I learned a lot about other artist I did not know.
     The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh I think was one of the most famous painting in the whole museum. I was really excited to see this painting because one of my best friend who lives in Maryland was always telling me she wanted to come to New York City to go and see that painting. At first I was expecting to see a huge painting, but then when I saw the painting in person it was actually smaller than I though. Almost every person in the room was more focused on that painting and I noticed why was happening that. That painting is courageous the feelings that that painting transmitted me were about sad memories. I was really happy to go and see that painting in person.
     In MOMA I saw a lot of other artists' work like Salvador Dali's Clocks, Claude Monet's Water Lily Pond, and Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Actually I could not stay longer in the Museum to finish and see all the exhibitions, but there was a lot of art works. I was really impressed seeing those beautiful pieces that were created years ago by some many artist. I wanted to go and see the photography exhibition, but I do not know why I could not find it. I will go another time and try speeding more time in the Museum looking to all the exhibitions. I liked a lot the Museum of Modern Art it was a fun experience going there.


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