Reaction Paper: Studio Visit
    On Monday October the 23rd I had the opportunity to visit for the first time a photographer's studio. At first the studio was not actually what I had expected because I thought it will be bigger and with more equipment. The photographer that we visited was Jim Lennon I find out how great photographer he was. It was really interesting to hear what he was telling the class about how to run a studio and how much it costs to run one.
     One of the things that captivated more my attention was wen he said that before going to a meeting with the company he was working with for him was really helpful to do some research about that company. I find that really interesting because I thought that he was right showing how much of a professional you are and that you really are interested in working with a company it's can show a great impression in other people when you know about what this company is about and what they do.
    I was really surprised of the amount of money it costs to run a studio. Actually at first I wanted to run a studio, but after hearing how much work and effort has one to put in to make a studio work is quite difficult. After going to the studio I saw myself more as a teacher and not a person who would be in a studio all day working in the same place. I learned a lot about him and the studio so it was really helpful to me to visit a photographer's studio.


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